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- Marble look coating
Marble look coatings
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Capacity in Kg: 5, 20 kg
Marmur Fine is a lime-based finishing plaster coat, made of wellseasoned hydrated putty, fine marbles and rheological modifiers, which guarantee a perfect workability of the product. With its formulation, Marmur Fine ...
Capacity in Kg: 1, 5, 20 kg
Classic aerated lime-based interior wall coating, petrifiable in contact with CO2, smooth, translucent mirror finish, which allows for multiple decorative effects, such as imitation marble, trowel-applied ...
Biological lime base coat plaster for interiors and exteriors with marmorino effect Use KB 13 is used as base coat plaster on bricks, concrete blocks, rough concrete etc. For special substrates follow the instructions of the supplier. ...
... based lime surfacer (spackling compound) for premium-quality marble smoothing technique. Field of Application Purely mineral based coating for internal walls and ceilings, made of slaked lime, marble ...
... OIKOS is the finishing product for interior and exterior to be applied on MARMORINO NATURALE by OIKOS, so to obtain a gloss marble like effect. The product is based on mature lime putty, it is easy to apply and allows ...
Marmorin is a finishing plaster based on genuine slaked lime putty, for interiors and exteriors. With outstanding breathability, color stability and a natural appearanc, Marmorin is suitable for any kind of environment. Thanks to the ...
Capacity in Kg: 1,750 g
creamy-soft, smooth filler, thixotropic.For bonding and filling of natural stone in a vertical position and for modelling corners and edges.
... limestone wall coating is a unique process made from crushed limestone, powdered marble dust and natural pigments. DECOPIERRE expertise is to mix this highly performing material to the know how of well ...
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