- Public spaces, Landscaping >
- Roadway equipment >
- Road surface marking
Road surface markings
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These markers simply press into the tile to create dividing lines or surface signage. Resistance : UV and GEL. To be placed into honeycombed cells according to the desired zone to create before filling with gravels. ...
Retro-reflective prefabricated strip that guarantees durable marking, including on irregular paving stones or substrates. Ideal for improving safety at stop signs, give way signs, etc.
Eco-designed hot coating that offers outstanding daytime and night-time visibility for optimal road user guidance.
Paint used to produce road markings with durable performance using a single type of microbead, using both the P2B and traditional application techniques. Yellow paint used to produce permanent urban ...
... notably better adhesion. For application on bituminous surfaces (mastic asphalt, asphalt concrete) and concrete surfaces (cement surfaces). Street Tattoos can be employed ...
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