Traffic lights

9 companies | 22 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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bicolor traffic light
bicolor traffic light

For integration of traffic light, intercom or command • Height : 1500 or 1800 mm • Diameter : 170 or 275 mm

bicolor traffic light
bicolor traffic light

For integration of RB control unit For integration of traffic light, intercom or command Sliding cover to the top • Height: 1500 or 1800 mm • Diameter: 170 mm

three-color traffic light
three-color traffic light

See the other products
LED traffic light
LED traffic light

Traffic lights allow to check the position of the bollard on an access managed by PLC. It can be either red / orange, or red / green (according to the country). Material: Stainless steel cast / Polycarbonate ...

pedestrian traffic light
pedestrian traffic light

The traffic control light designed to meet both high standards of safety and a captivating, yet simple design, with clean lines, to adapt to any type of surroundings. It is ideal lighting for pedestrian ...

LED traffic light
LED traffic light

Discover our high-quality traffic lights. Available in red or green, as well as a green arrow or red cross. The traffic lights come with a mounting bracket set and ...

LED traffic light
LED traffic light

... personality. STRUCTURE Its shape and structure is a faithful natural evolution of the SX Traffic Light as it continues with the cylindrical shape of the traffic light ...

See the other products
LED traffic light
LED traffic light

... choose the initial color of each traffic light Operate with two or three color traffic lights Choose the polarity of the inputs (NO or NC) Power supply to the control ...

three-color traffic light
three-color traffic light
TEMPO : 31175

... managing the progress of traffic on a site has never been so easy. Tempo can adapt to be used on all your sites : The key word is flexibility. In its standard version the Tempo light also offers ...

See the other products
bicolor traffic light
bicolor traffic light

... and outside traffic lights represent a reasonable completion of the docking station. It is recommended to provide the loading station not only with a wheel chock but also with a traffic ...

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