Bridge length:
Acrow supplied 360 linear foot (109.73M) continuous bridge with three 80 foot (24.38M) spans and one 120 foot (36.58M) span
Bridge width:
The Acrow bridge has a 24 foot (7.35M) clear travel way between the guide rails
Guide rails:
A test level 4 guide rail system was supplied by Acrow for the bridge
Deck surface:
Asphalt overlay
Bridge erection:
Full cantilevered launch
Live load:
The bridge was designed in accordance with AASHTO LRFD bridge design specifications fourth edition to HL-93 vehicular
Bridge design:
(A) Panel chords, diagonals and verticals, panel reinforcing chords, Rakers to AASHTO M223 GD 65
(B) Decking, raker brace, transom, top chord brace, swaybrace, transom brace, diagonal chord brace to AASHTO GD 50
(C) Panel pins to ASTM A 193 GD b7
(D) Bolts to AASHTO M164M – A325
Bridge finish:
– All major components galvanized to AASHTO M111-ASTM A 123
– All bolts are hot dipped galvanized
– All pins are electro galvanized