"Lune d'acqua introduces a new evocative idea: the magic of the Icy Moons orbiting around Jupiter and Saturn. These celestial bodies, with extraordinary allure, are liquid and mysterious worlds encased in spherical shells of ice. Their unique features designate them as privileged locations within the Solar System, potentially harbouring life forms.
The hydrothermal activity that stirs those hidden oceans manifests itself in gigantic geysers emerging from cracks in the ice, and this energy feeds this magnificent interplay of phases - vapour, liquid and solid. Water, surrendering to the power of these transformations, continually surprises us as it morphs into something else. Even light.
These mysterious Moons hide many secrets. Warmth, motion, metallic cores. Even gravity, the ultimate designer, reveals itself in the flawless, spherical, and symmetrical beauty of these celestial objects, guiding them in endless orbits. "
The evocation of these distant worlds is intertwined with the familiar image of a marble, a childhood item that encapsulates dreams and memories. Its colourful internal geometry recalls a sense of fluidity and crystallised movement.
The sphere is at the centre of the project. Held by two rings, it is free to spin suspended at the centre of their intersection.
These rings play a structural role, engaging in a dialogue with the surrounding space. They prop up the central core on a tilted axis, adding dynamism and reflecting it on their polished, mirrored surfaces. It is a streamlined structure that evolves with a focus on the relationship between the central light and the shadows it casts in the surroundings.