As a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS), the d-Rain Joint™ is a simple, low-cost, and robust onsite stormwater management alternative compared to other permeable, pervious surface options.
The d-Rain Joint™ device directs the surface rainwater to an installed drainage bed beneath the impervious, “hardscape” surface(s). Using low-cost, harder substrate, the solution to provide a permeable, pavement system (PPS) can be used wherever stormwater management requirements are needed for a driveway, parking lot, garage, large patio, community common areas and streets, pool areas, sports architecture, shopping or theme park developments, alleyways or public walkways.
The use of traditional concrete with the d-Rain Joint™ provides both permeability AND filtration with lower maintenance at a lower installed cost than a paver system! These d-Rain Joint™ devices allow the use of traditional concrete or other paver-type materials to construct a high-performing permeable, pervious surface system to put filtered rainwater in the underneath gravel detention area of the pavement; thus, increasing the usable surface, eliminating costly stormwater infrastructure or potential pollution hazards to urban ecosystems.
Rainwater Filtration Device Products include:
d-Rain Joint™ 6061-T6 (aluminum), <1” wide and available in 8’ lengths
NEW! d-Rain Joint™ PPIC (gray plastic), <1” wide and available in 8’ lengths (introduced at GreenBuild 2016)