EDILFARE PISCINE . since 1997 is leader in the construction of swimming pools and is able to
offer the most appropriate solutions to create the pool of your dreams !
In these years of intense work. we have developed and consolidated our technical skills.
Our staff is constantly updated on new technologies and market trends . and follows directly all
phases of construction of the pool. from design and project up to installation and realization, giving
also particular attention to the client as far as concern the after sale assistance.
EDILFARE Piscine service division offers to customers all services necessary to make easier and
more enjoyable the care of the pool and give his highly qualified and specialized performance and
know-how for the following services :
Open in summer and winter closing of the pool
Ordinary and extraordinary pools Maintenance with personalized service either seasonal or
Supply of automatized systems and bespoke products for water treatment ( certified by the
Ministry of Health) and with computerized and photometric check of water values .
Renewal of the interior trim and check of the pool system status .
Renewal of your pool and pool systems .
Automatic and isothermal covers.
Cleaning. storage and supply of winter cover;
Cleaning and sanitizing of swimming pools and compensation tank.
Supplying of spare parts and accessories for all types of pools ;
Support for elimination of hydraulic leaks ;