The Ardesia Frameworks are entirely made with natural materials. They belong to our renowed collection which boasts products created with recycled materials. These eye-catching, exclusive creations were inspired by the charm of the weathered and worn-out look such materials took on with the passing of time. Slates of Ardesia have been adorned with multi-coloured finishings and serve as a background on which gorgeous, bright Green coloured, preserved Ball-like Moss inserts have been attached. The natural wooden frames used are made of Ancient Elm wood, Matured Spruce wood and Antique Walnut Tree wood. The Ardesia Frameworks are available in three different sizes and can be hung either in a vertical, upright position or horizontal.
Size: 127 x 78.5cms / 81.5 x 81.5cms / 83 x 51cms
Greenery: Ball- type Moss.