What is LED light therapy?
Phototherapy or LED light therapy is the use of light at specific wavelengths of the spectrum to induce positive benefits for the user. It has many applications such as wound healing, skin disorders, acne, muscle pains, seasonal affective disorder and many more. Known by various names i.e. photo rejuvenation therapy, collagen therapy, and red light therapy.
What is CLT?
CLT stands for Collagen Light Technology, Miracles revolutionary new Light Therapy System. It uses the power of light to accelerate the healing and regeneration processes of the skin to deliver visible results. Tansun Miracle-Red Light Therapy System has merged the power of Infrared and Red Light Therapy producing a superior anti-ageing system for today’s market, which uses Photo Bio stimulation to rejuvenate the skin and combat ageing.
“A Synergistic Combination”
Tansun Miracle-Red Light Therapy System or Collagen Light therapy (CLT) treatment, works naturally with the skin. Using advanced dual technologies, at 633 nanometres the LED light penetrates 10mm through the different dermis layers stimulating the body’s own production of elastin and reactivating collagen cells to begin the renewing and healing processes of the skin. LED light helps in stimulating and revitalising tired cells leading to a more youthful complexion. Clients will experience an absolute sensory relaxation resulting in a refreshed skin and sense of wellbeing.
First system of its kind worldwide