Group: Focus Creation
Focus Creation
Who we are
For more than 50 years, on every continent, FOCUS has been breaking with convention. FOCUS was the first to pull the fireplace away from the wall and put it at the centre of the living space – to make it the focus of attention. More than just fireplaces, FOCUS creates surprise. It creates emotion. It creates occasions. FOCUS creates history.
Now a legend of international design, its iconic fireplace, the GYROFOCUS, is taught in architecture schools, was elected La cosa più bella del mondo (‘The world’s most beautiful object’) by Italians, and has been exhibited in the Guggenheim Museum in New York.
FOCUS is more than just its top iconic models, boasting a collection of some 40 fireplaces in two ranges:
• A HEATING RANGE of energy-efficient fireplaces.
• A DECORATIVE RANGE that can be installed either outdoors or indoors, depending on the model
and the regulations in force in the country.
• AN OUTDOOR RANGE : six iconic models with rust or black paint finish
Our values
In the image of its founder, Dominique Imbert – artist, fireplace designer, humanist and philanthropist – whose philosophy has guided the company for more than 50 years, FOCUS has always put people at the centre of its concerns in the same way it put the fireplace at the centre of a space: putting a priority on personal expression, on individual liberty and creativity, on internal mobility and skill development, and on a non-hierarchical, collaborative working environment.