Isiklar Building Materials Inc.

About Us

Işıklar Klinker Bricks consist of two brick factories with three ultra modern kilns in Bartın, along with a sales and marketing organization for the domestic and international markets.

The four main product groups of the company are Işıklar Facing Bricks, IşıklarPaving Brick, Işıklar Brick Slabs and Işıklar Izoklinker Panels. The Complimentary products include Işıklar Flex Adhesive and Işıklar Flex JointFiller.

IşıklarKlinker Bricks operates nationwide with regional offices a full sales force composed of architect and civil engineers follow up the need of our distributors and work directly with local governments, military, design office and individual architects. The country is divided into 5 regions namely Marmara, Black sea, Aegean, Middle and Eastern Anatolia, and the customers are served with a total of ışıklar sales specialists and distributors.

With the headquarters based in Istanbul the Marketing office provide a wide spectrum of services, ranging from product introduction seminars and craftsmen training courses to product development activities. The marketing team also provides architectural project support as well as technical and application informationon the products, in order to support and further develop sales activities.

All products of our factory ar manufactured in accordance with TS-EN ISO 9001:2000 standards of Quality Management System and TSI- certified (Turkish StandardsInstitution) and have certificate of manufacturing competence. Having added roofing systems on its product range as of 2012, Işıklar Building Materials offers its clients roofing systems with the experience, quality and strength that it is known for in the flor and facade applications.

The production facility located in Thessaloniki has a capacity of 90 million roof tiles and 700,000 tannes of bricks. Equpped with state of the art Technologies, the environment-friendly plant uses modern techniques and advanced technology robots for production and stocks with maximum energy efficiency and high production rates to manufacture ''IŞIKLAR-KEBE'' branded roof tiles for Turkishand surrounding markets.

Our values

We started out with the objective of "creating façades and landscapes that will be used foryears" by enhancing the use of the high quality bricks we produce with the most advanced technologies and in compliance to international standards.

Our mission, in this context, is to increase the use of brick in the Turkish construction materials industry while improving our production methods and service quality. Produced with innovative technology and offering exquisite appeal along with extensive durability,

Işıklar klinker Bricks are the bold of professionals for the interiors and exteriors of buildings as well as landscapes and a wide range of urban projects. In order to best integrate bricks into any project, our architectural project group provides assistance services in order to provide the client with the most functional, aesthetic, economical and practical solution possible.

As Işıklar Klinker bricks, we hold a market share of 70% in the Turkish facing, paving and brickslab markets, due to our high production capacity and product quality. Our strong Işıklar brand as well as our efficient production, sales and services model and our customer-focused management allow us to increase our market share day by day.

The Işıklar brand is currently exported to Turkish Republics to Balkans to Europa and England the cradle of brick.

In order to preserve market leadership, we focus primarly on the principle of quality. All Işıklar products are produced according to standards and norms determined by theTurkish Standards Institute and are also in compliance with American and British standards.

Our efficient production,high production capacity and product quality are maximized by technological investments, R&D facilities and design capabilities in order to produce different types, colors and textured products.

As we continue to diversify our product and service range and provide you with the most innovative solutions, we will keep improving the quality of our products and service while striving to become the perfect business and solutions partner foryou.

Our International Locations