Who we are

A leader in Finnish know-how, quality and industrial innovation since 1928, Isku’s goal is to provide our customers with high-quality furniture while ensuring responsible production. The Isku factory in Lahti, Finland, is one of the most modern production facilities in the European furniture industry.

Our values

Responsible management

At Isku, efforts related to responsibility are part of day-to-day management. The operations are guided by the Group’s values, mission, strategy and recorded management principles. Isku Group employs a quality policy and environmental policy approved by the management team, as well as the Code of Conduct, which establishes the ethical principles of the company’s operations.

Isku’s values

Isku’s current values were recorded in 2012. They are based on the name of our company. Finnish words derived from the letters I, S, K and U form our operational values: Inspiring, Finnish, Ready to listen and Evolving.

Inspiroiva (Inspiring)

Suomalainen (Finnish)

Kuunteleva (Ready to listen)

Uudistuva (Evolving)

Isku wants to inspire and encourage its customers, staff and partners, and create experiences of success. Isku’s Finnish roots are an important and obvious value for the company. Since 1928, Isku has relied on Finnish work, expertise and quality. The ability to listen is a requirement for sustainable development. By listening to customers, colleagues and partners, we can keep improving ourselves. The evolving Isku is bold and goal-oriented. Development can only occur through reinvention and evolution.

Mission, strategy and vision

Isku’s mission is to create the experiences of success for its customers at homes, kitchens, schools, workplaces and public spaces. Evocative design, Finnish quality and service according to customer needs are the core elements of the company’s operations. Isku’s strategy, or the direction of its operations, is quite straightforward: to provide the best service. Since Isku operates in the field of furniture sales, the starting point for the strategy is customer-orientation. We live in a service society, so it is our goal to provide our customers with the best. The best service lays the foundation for the sustainable development of operations. A part of providing the best service is to do so respecting the company staff, partners and the environment. Isku’s vision is to be the most respected and recommended company in the field of interior decoration. It is Isku’s desire to be the most sought-after option in the field for both employees and partners. This goal cannot be reached without responsible action and sustainable development. The cornerstones of Isku’s success are its customers and staff, evolution, sustainable development and partners.