Naked Energy

Who we are

Naked Energy’s mission is to change energy for good. Good – meaning both for the better and for the future. Most renewable energy technologies are focused on decarbonizing electricity, but the world actually uses more heat-energy than it does electrical-energy. Naked Energy is decarbonizing heat – a sector which has been neglected for too long. We do this through the world’s most energy-dense technology, allowing our users to capture more energy in less space compared to any other solar product. The biggest and most important way to reduce your scope 1 emissions is to decarbonize your heating needs – and Naked Energy is here to help.

Our values

We believe in high level decarbonization. Solving hard problems with large impact. This is why we focus on the heat sector – an area which remains the elephant in the room of energy. Processes and mindsets need to be changed to live in a world powered by 100% renewable energy, and at Naked Energy, we are leading this change.

Our presence around the world