Bathroom admixtures

2 companies | 3 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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protective admixture
protective admixture

... heat and smoke release. RECOMMENDED FOR Waterproofing of tiles (under) Protection of polyurethane insulation foams Bathroom insulation Waterproofing of verandas and balconies Insulation of roofs and protection ...

colorant admixture
colorant admixture

• - PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: the chukum water is an aqueous resin extracted from the bark of the chukum tree with a very characteristic dark purple color • - CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aqueous extract that contains a percentage of the total solids ...

See the other products
Rekum Recubrimientos Naturales
hardener admixture
hardener admixture

Concrete admixture that reinforces and extends the life of the finish.

See the other products
Rekum Recubrimientos Naturales
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