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A sandwich panel is a prefabricated non-load-bearing element of an exterior wall or a roof. It consists of insulation...
Interior plaster is a coating used to smooth, protect and decorate indoor surfaces.
A clay brick is a block of traditional construction component which may be used for building or paving.
Solid brick is a building block with a variety of construction uses, such as building masonry walls (load-bearing or ...
A concrete block may be used in load-bearing or non load-bearing walls, and in interior and exterior applications. It...
A glass brick is hollow, made of two halves joined together. It is used to close off or divide interior space while a...
Hollow brick may be structural, used for facing or to improve insulation or ventilation.
Decorative plaster is composed and applied with aesthetic ends in mind.
Lime plaster has numerous applications, can be given many types of finishes and may be used indoors and out.
A shuttering block is a type of formwork used to mold or shape poured building materials such as concrete. It may be ...
Insulating plaster improves the thermal insulation and energy consumption characteristics of a structure.
Polycarbonate sheets are used in different types of buildings, in interior design and furnishings. There is a wide va...
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