Flooring screed admixtures

7 companies | 8 products
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plasticizer additive
plasticizer additive

... increases the adhesion of slurry keys and additional casting layers, ensuring the monolithic continuity of mineral mortars and screeds. Increases adhesion and compactness of mineral mortars Acts as a bonding layer ...

plasticizer admixture
plasticizer admixture

... strong, durable and resistant to impact, abrasion, water and frost attack. Uses Thin section bonded screed from 6mm New screeds and refurbishment of old screeds Internal and external ...

See the other products
Ronacrete Limited
plasticizer admixture
plasticizer admixture

Special plasticising and water-reducing acrylic admixture for heated and cooling cementitious screeds. TECHNICAL DATA: Dosage: from 1 to 1.5 kg every 100 kg of cement. Packaging: 10 and 25 kg drums.

hardener admixture
hardener admixture

Increment Tixo is a thickening additive for cellular concrete with high viscosity for renovations of buildings or steep slopes. The new product can be applied in replacement of semi-dry underlayers, as Leca, or mixtures ...

plasticizer admixture
plasticizer admixture

... building materials Plasticizing effect and reduced shrinkage Lower water-cement ratio Fields of application Floor screeds. Renders abrasion resistant floors Exterior cement mortars resistant to weather condition Swimming ...

accelerator admixture
accelerator admixture

Special set accelerator of ISOFLEX-PU 500 that enables its application at low temperatures or in thicker layers. Prevents the appearance of air bubbles, in case ISOFLEX-PU 500 is applied in thicker layers. Also increases the thixotropy ...

colorant admixture
colorant admixture

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