Red mortars

2 companies | 3 products
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waterproof mortar
waterproof mortar

Capacity in Kg: 10, 26 kg

Flexible two component waterproofing mortar DOMOLASTIC is a two component flexible waterproofing mortar. It consists of the component A: a mixture of liquid synthetic resins and of the component B: ...

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Domissima S.A.
restoration mortar
restoration mortar

Capacity in Kg: 10, 5, 1 kg

Αnticorrosive cementitious mortar DOMOFER is a cementitious mortar for corrosion protection of structural steel reinforcement and bonding bridge, modified with synthetic resins, quartz aggregates and ...

See the other products
Domissima S.A.
grouting mortar
grouting mortar

Capacity in Kg: 2 kg

Mortar for grouting ceramic plating for indoor and outdoor application, 2-6 mm Atribute high resistance to weathering high grip easy handling color stability in flexible time Culori white, light blue, dark brown, ...

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