The compact and handy Leica DISTO™ D2 has many interesting functions and is still simple to use.
Thanks to its ergonimic and compact design with soft grip, the Leica DISTO™ D2 sits securely in your hand, is lightweight and fits in any pocket.
The innovative X-Range Power Technology makes it possible to measure distances up to 100m. This technology ensures optimum measure performance, what means fast and reliable measurements.
Whether measuring out of corners, slots or from edges, with the multifunctional end-piece you are prepared for all measuring situations. The instrument detects the end-piece automatically, which helps to avoid expensive measuring errors.
Functions: Mini/Max measurement, addition/subtraction, area/volume.
Memory for 10 results.
Illuminated display.
With intrgrated Bluetooth® Smart you can send your measure results directly to smart phones or tablets – so expensive faults from writing ca be avoided.
DISTO™ D2 is certified by ISO 16331-1.