elZinc® 3D PANELS
By combining perforation technology with pressing processes it is possible to create screens with a 3d structure. This interacts with ambient light creating shadows and reflections that introduce a whole new and striking visual layer to the finished façade.
The two designs use 5 different fixed sizes of perforations (round in one design, square in the other) and can be set in 4 different distributions to give varying densities of perforations. These varying densities can be mixed to give smooth transistions from areas of more to less perforation. If required, the preforation layout can be completely customised – consult elZinc for more details.
- Rounded 3D design: plays with round perforations on a surface with 3d spherical indentations. The indentations alternate positive and negative across the panels in a uniform manner which is fixed at a different pitch to the hole centres. Thus the holes are never in the same position on the indentations, creating an interestingly changing interaction over the surface.
Can be installed horizontally or vertically.
The perimeters are left free of perforation to create a frame around each panel.
- Square 3D design:plays with square perforations on a surface with square indentations. The indentations alternate positive and negative across the panel in a uniform manor which is fixed. The holes are 5 different fixed sizes and can be set in 4 different distributions to give varying densities of perforations, from a free area of 35% to 7%.
Can be installed horizontally or vertically.
The perimeters are left free of perforation to create a ‘frame’ around each panel.